HSA or FSA for Massage

Follow the simple steps below to learn if you can use your health insurance, FSA or HSA for massage:

1. Contact your doctor

There are a wide variety of conditions that could qualify for massage therapy. Examples of conditions that could qualify include stress, circulation issues caused by diabetes or hypertension, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, sciatica, arthritis, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, and pain management. Call, email or schedule an appointment with your primary care physician.

2. Ask for a Letter of Medical Necessity (LOMN)

Discuss with your doctor why you are seeking massage therapy and ask for a Letter of Medical Necessity. Your LOMN will need to include the following:

● The reason why you need massage therapy, such as a condition or injury.

● The number of sessions you’ll need each month and for how long. Do you need a massage every month? Or once every 1-2 weeks? How long are you going to need this treatment? ie. 2 massages monthly for up to 12 months

● The duration of the treatment. Should they be 60-minute, or 90-minute massages? Your doctor will be able to guide you in the right direction on this one.

3. Save the Letter of Medical Necessity

After you have the Letter of Medical Necessity, keep it in the case you are asked to verify the expense.

4. Use Your FSA or HSA for Massage

You will pay for the massage and submit your receipt from Glow to your HSA or FSA for reimbursement. Book massage therapy appointments per your doctor’s recommendation on length and frequency of treatments. We are not able to add diagnostic codes to your receipt at any point.