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Prenatal Massages... Have Your Partner Read This!

Prenatal Massages... Have Your Partner Read This!

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re also a fan of massages and are constantly trying to conveniently place your partner’s hand on your back in hopes that they’ll start massaging. For whatever reason, it takes a lot of effort to actually schedule a massage. Not to mention, during COVID they’ve been so hard to lockdown! Sometimes, it feels like maybe it should be something that’s a liiiittle more accessible (hi, partners!).


On top of them being a little hard to schedule/commit to, you may also be hesitant to visit a massage therapist for perfectly understandable reasons (COVID and well, getting naked while your body has changed). Or your reasons for not getting a professional prenatal massage may be logistical. After all, you’re already comfortable at home and settled in for the night. And if you work in a city, who wants to drive home in traffic after a relaxing massage?

For those times you can’t get to the massage therapist, enlist the massage skills of your partner with these tips about when and how to give a prenatal massage. We’ll cover the reasons prenatal massage should be part of your pregnancy journey with specific instructions for body parts under the most strain.


Prenatal Massage is a Panacea for What Ails You

Did you know prenatal massage can lower your cortisol levels? Cortisol is your body’s stress hormone and while it promotes fetal and neural development, too much of it can be a risk factor for miscarriage. Prenatal massage has also been shown to lead to easier labor. Even mamas with a short weekly massage of twenty minutes reported decreased leg and back pain and less depression and anxiety.

If your feet, legs, and hands start swelling during pregnancy, the culprit could be decreased circulation and pressure on your major blood vessels. Massage can help stimulate the soft tissue, move the extra fluid, and reduce the swelling. Plus, since you’re more relaxed, sleep comes easier. Consider how prenatal massage calms your central nervous system. Hello, uninterrupted sleep!

A study also showed that newborns of massaged mamas were less likely to be born prematurely, had lower cortisol levels, and more often a healthy birth weight.

Body Parts to Concentrate on During Prenatal Partner Massage

Let’s go from the ground up with feet. Have your partner sit in a comfortable seated position. Apply a generous amount of massage oil or lotion and loosen the ankle with a gentle shaking motion from side to side. Next, hold the foot with both hands and then rub the top of the foot with firm upward strokes. Always stroke upward toward the heart to increase circulation. Massage the toes by giving them a gentle tug. Rub between the toes. Squeeze mama’s heels too! Extra weight can lead to heel pain. Lastly, rub the bottom of her foot.

You can repeat the above steps on mama-to-be's calves and thighs. When it comes to the lower back, have her sit in a chair without arms, straddling it with a pillow in front of her belly. Begin with light strokes from her neck to lower back. Remember to alternate the amount of pressure by using your fingers to apply lighter pressure and your thumbs, knuckles, and palms to go deeper.


If you follow these steps, while remembering to breathe along with her, you will all benefit from in-home prenatal massages.

Still, need help? Try looking up some videos on YouTube for more tips. For anything mama related, we love Bridget Teyler! Check out her channel here!

Keeping Pregnancy Sexy: A List of Dates, Positions & Wellness Tips to Spice Things Up

Keeping Pregnancy Sexy: A List of Dates, Positions & Wellness Tips to Spice Things Up

Pregnancy: it might not be something you naturally think of as sexy. Lucky for you, though, most partners will find a new adoration for you after seeing your body carry and grow a child. While it may not seem like the hottest thing while watching models strut during NYFW- we’ve got some tips to help you, and your partner, feel sexy during pregnancy.

At-Home Dates To Try Now

Get Massages. Have a masseuse come to your house and give you a couples massage. And yes, they come with their own tables! Alternatively, take turns giving massages with your partner. Candles and massage oil required. No skimping here!

Go on a Picnic. A handful of picnic companies have been popping up to address the restaurant closures this year. Whether you want to hire one, or set it up yourself, it’s the perfect weekend activity. Tips for setting up your own picnic: brings blankets, pillows, Trader Joes cheeses, and a low table if possible. Don’t forget a speaker with some French Jazz in the background. Go around sunset, and voila!


Indulge in all your favorite foods. Pregnancy cravings are real. So why not have a night devoted to fulfilling them? Order all of you and your partner’s favorite guilty cravings. Enjoy with a movie! Alternatively, if you’re feeling up to it, get in the car and play rock paper scissors- the first to win picks the restaurant to pick up appetizers from. Play again. The second winner picks entrees. Next, dessert!


Go on a Babymoon. Traveling right now is starting to ease up, but still take precautions and stay within your comfort zone/ city requirements- several Airbnb’s have reopened with strict cleaning protocols. Have a lowkey babymoon locally. Bring cleaning supplies, pillow cases, slippers, and your own toiletries to be extra clean when walking around the unit!


Have a Game Night. We’re huge fans of We’re Not Really Strangers. If you don’t own it already, buy it and the relationship expansion Pack. Write down some of your favorite answers and cherish this alone time you have with your partner before the baby arrives.


Sex Positions

The Spoon. Lie down on your side and have your partner enter from behind. It’s low impact on your belly and bladder, and easy on the tummy during any trimester. Some even say it’s the best position for the third trimester!


Edge of the Bed. Liie down, face-up on the edge of the bed. Have your partner sit on his knees and enter from that position. This way, you can control the movement and also sit comfortably!


Standing. Have your partner stand behind you. Can be done in the shower, hallway, kitchen… You name it. Go at it, mama!

Go on the Bottom. Yes, you heard us right! Sex while being on bottom doesn’t have to be high impact on your baby. Put a pillow under your hips to prop yourself up. You can also put your hands on your partner’s hips to begin if you’re worried about them going too deep. Once you get into a flow, your pelvic muscles will relax, and you can remove your hands as a guard.  

A little uneasy about getting going again in bedroom? We’ve got you covered. Read our article where we get down and dirty, answering all of the sex-while-pregnant questions you might be too afraid to ask.


Wellness Tips

Prenatal Vitamins

Don’t get us started. Okay, never mind, get us started. Prenatals are something you should absolutely take, but please research them. The amount of variation in each vitamin is, quite frankly, surprising- and unfortunately some doctors don’t fully know what’s in the ones they’re recommending. On a trip to the drugstore, you’ll see that some have B12 levels of 100, and others ranged all the way up to 3,500 percent of the recommended daily dose. In other words, they’re all over the place.

 One thing to keep on your radar is any trace of heavy metals; even in small, small amounts, they have been linked to decreased growth in infants, decreased I.Q., and developmental problems, and can be found in prenatal vitamins. Do your research (but ultimately trust your practitioner’s advice!).

Here are some prenatal vitamins we recommend:

  1. Ritual Essential Prenatal Vitamins: The next-generation prenatal with 12 key nutrients for before and during pregnancy.

  2. Pure Encapsulation PreNatal Nutrients Vitamins: A multivitamin/mineral complex for pregnancy and lactation  


Love changes and travels through stages during life. The love we experienced as a teenager, the love we experience with our friends and family, and the love we experience with our life partner all correlate but intensely vary. Love, too, goes through changes during pregnancy. There’s a lot of new feelings in the mix, but most importantly- the addition of a new member to the family.

Did you ever have a moment where you felt left out, or the third wheel when you were in high school? Yep, us too. We’ve all been there, and it’s not a great feeling. Oddly enough, the bond you have with your baby growing is different than the one your partner is feeling- naturally, it’s because you’re the one growing the baby! Partners can feel intimidated or even left out – after all, they don’t have the same inner relationship that you have. And on top of that, they might be missing out on some affection from you.

Studies have shown that mothers are able to fulfill their sense of intimacy through contact with their children, which leaves partners feeling abandoned at times. Your first trimester may bring nausea, fears of miscarriage, and general discomfort- so don’t stress yourself out. But try to keep in mind that your partner, too, needs affection during the process.



Cherish the beginning of your pregnancy; don’t push yourself to exercise before you’re ready. Everything is always about balance, so it’s key to listen to your body through your pregnancy. While being pregnant, you’re going to have to tap into a whole new set of skills to feel what your body is going through. Whether you were an athlete and frequent exerciser prior to pregnancy or never hit the gym, there is one rule we require here: you will only start working out when and how your practitioner allows you to. And past that, it’ll be all about you and listening to what your body needs. Also, remember to redefine what “exercise” is while pregnant. For many, this can mean just taking walks and moving around. It doesn’t mean a full Barry’s class!



Mama, you need sex! Yes, you heard us right. No, your baby will not feel it, the semen will not poison it, and you will be totally okay (of course, this is assuming a normal pregnancy, so please consult with your practitioner). But sex is essential for you to enjoy yourself and remain connected with your partner. Try exploring this through touch, massages, and connecting if you’re not “in the mood”. Expect to not feel sexy during your first trimester- which is totally okay. Talk it through with your partner and find joy in the new ways of connecting.

Nesting 101: Is My Partner Nesting?

Nesting 101: Is My Partner Nesting?

Getting ready for your baby’s debut is quite the process and brings out a lot in everyone. From that one friend who overdoes it with the gifts (we know she’s dying to be the godmother), the in-laws that pawn all their age-old pregnancy tips and stories on you, to your very own partner: I mean, did they really need to spend 6 hours reading about car seat safety?

The fact of the matter is, parents react in different ways with the idea of being in charge of another human. Whether it’s because they can hardly choose one outfit, let alone two every morning- or they’re thinking about how to feed another- it’s natural to fiercely prepare for your baby’s arrival. Enter: nesting mode.

Nesting is a natural, parental instinct that kicks in during pregnancy. It’s the voice in the back of your head that says your baby is going to hate that new wallpaper you just installed, so naturally, you rip it out and start over again. It’s the voice that causes fear when choosing the safest crib with the best reviews. And it’s all completely natural. You’re growing the most beautiful thing inside of you and of course, you want to protect it with your whole being. But what about your partner? Is it expected for them to enter nesting mode?

Yes. Yes yes yes. Bonding with the baby can start long before its arrival, even for your partner. It’s something that you should cherish and encourage because even though it can seem a little too much, you’ll be thankful for the extra help when you get into your third trimester, and right after birth. You can never be too prepared.


If you’re a partner and nesting isn’t coming naturally to you, here are some things you can do:

Accompany mama to her checkups and ultrasounds. During COVID this is a little tougher, but if you can’t make it in, at least drive her there and provide emotional support. You’ll love being part of the process.


Celebrate the milestones. You’ve probably done anniversaries, so why not treat pregnancy milestones the same way? Mama is probably having a tough time (it’s a lot of stress on her body!) so celebrate her, her body, and your baby by keeping track of different milestones. A great app for this is WebMD Pregnancy.


Ask mama how you can help around the house to prepare. After creating a registry, or your dream nursery, see what you can do to help. Whether that’s breaking down boxes of gifts that come in, helping keep everything tidy, or building the crib when it gets there; helping set up the space will be a huge help, and you can get involved in the design of it too! 

We know that sometimes, change isn’t always easy… and having those immediate, parental instincts don’t always occur naturally. But hey, don’t sweat it! To better develop them, we recommend diving deeper to understand the true changes that happen to the body during pregnancy, and how those changes might lead to new transitions within your relationship. Read more here, where we describe many of the changes you go through during the process - everything from emotions to relationships.

Research safety. Okay, we joked about it above, but you can take the weight off mom’s shoulders by researching things for her. When pregnant, it’s easy to research things and become fearful about everything; sometimes it’s nice to have someone else on top of it and reassuring you that everything’s under control. Install baby locks, the car seat, the crib, and other precautions around the house so you’re not scrambling on arrival week.

Sex While Pregnant: All the Questions You’re Too Nervous to Ask

Sex While Pregnant: All the Questions You’re Too Nervous to Ask

So you’ve been trying and trying and finally, it’s happened: you’re pregnant and expecting. Two pink lines on a plastic stick have started to change your body, and well, just about everything in your life. But you probably have one small question that feels a little weird to ask—can you still have sex while pregnant? What are the limits?

We’re here to answer all you’re wondering: is sex safe during pregnancy, do you need to use protection, and can it trigger labor? Don’t worry, these aren’t necessarily common knowledge and we totally understand why you’re curious. So, let’s get to it (that pun was kind of intended). 

Can sex hurt my pregnancy or my baby? 

The short answer here is, go crazy! Well, not like honeymoon phase crazy, because we all know how those positions can land you upside down in no time. But yes, if you have a normal pregnancy, there is little to no risk in having sex, as long as you’re checking in with your practitioner and staying on top of your checkups. Most women can actually have sex (if they’re feeling up to it) all the way up until their water breaks. Be sure to ask your practitioner about any risks, because every pregnancy is different. Practitioners may not recommend sex if you have a history of miscarriages, preterm labor, abnormal vaginal bleeding, amniotic sac leakage, or other complications. 

Can you hit the baby if you go deep enough? 

Don’t worry, your little one won’t be a spectator in the activities you have going on between the sheets. In fact, no matter how blessed your partner is, he still won’t be able to reach the baby; the baby is not growing in your vagina. Your baby is actually very well protected by your uterus and a layer of muscle - cocooned by amniotic fluid. That amniotic sac will keep your baby warm and protected, in the strong walls of your uterus and behind your cervix. And if you feel some movement- that’s just a coincidence, or maybe because your little one likes the soothing, rocking motion.

Still unsure about how to connect with your partner in the bedroom? Don’t worry. We spoke with a licensed midwife, Leopi Sanderson-Edmunds, about navigating sex from a more experiential perspective. Read more in our article here!

Do I have to use protection? 

Many people don’t wear condoms during pregnancy because, obviously, you’re already pregnant. However, a large risk that you may not be thinking about is Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s). Infections such as Chlamydia, Syphilis, Herpes, Hepatitis B, Gonorrhea, and others can be dangerous for your baby, and affect your delivery. During your first appointments during pregnancy, you’ll be tested for STI’s, but what is still a possibility is contracting it later in the pregnancy. Just make sure to consult with your doctor before going unprotected. 

Will it feel good? Can I orgasm? 

Okay, hear us out first trimester warriors- it is totally normal not to feel in the mood right now. Your first trimester is a plethora of change, plus it’s oftentimes filled with nausea, tiredness, and mood swings, so don’t feel the need to push yourself! You’re going through a lot, and your partner will understand. 

Once your symptoms from the first trimester start to fade (or maybe you were still feeling frisky anyways), sex during pregnancy could be some of the best sex of your life. Yep, you heard us right! Many women have said sex during pregnancy was way better than sex before- and there’s a reason for this. During pregnancy, there’s actually an increase in blood flow to your pelvic area, so it actually makes orgasms more powerful. On the other hand, you also may never want to have sex again, and literally want to strangle your partner for even asking. And that’s okay too. One day at a time, one day at a time. Just know you’re not alone- having lower libido levels is totally normal, too.

What are other ways to stay connected to my partner if I don’t want to have sex? 

Try keeping up that physical touch in other ways! Cuddling, making out, giving massages, or even oral sex will keep that love alive. Just because you’re not inside each other doesn’t mean you have to lose your passion. 

What are the best positions to try during pregnancy? 

The quick answer here is you’re going to have to test it out. Just like pre-pregnancy, some positions feel better than others. Most women find that positions with little to no pressure on their abdomen are best, so give these a try: 

Go on top! If you have the energy, going on top can be comfortable since there isn’t any pressure on your abdomen. 

On a chair - Try having your partner sit on a chair and climb on top. Try facing the same way, and the opposite way and see if either one feels good.

The edge of the bed - Similar to a chair, this will have low impact and be an easy position for you. Try sitting on your partner.

From little spoon position - Lie down with your partner facing your back and entering from behind. This position tends to be a little more shallow, which won’t push on your abdominal wall.

Missionary - If you want to do missionary (or get in a quickie), wedge a pillow under your pelvis so you’re tilted upwards, and make sure your partner doesn’t have any weight on your belly. 

Can sex trigger labor? 

By your third trimester, you could be experiencing some mild contractions. This could be triggered by so many things, but it’s also worth noting you may feel them after an orgasm- but not to worry! Generally speaking, if you have a normal, low-risk pregnancy, an orgasm can’t trigger early labor. Of course, make sure to check with your practitioner to make sure you’re not at high risk, but sexual stimulation itself cannot push your baby out. In your final weeks, it could create the activity needed to start labor, but that won’t happen unless you’re ready. 

Are there benefits to having sex during pregnancy? 

Ab-so-lutely. Let’s start by saying that if you can’t have sex during pregnancy, it’s not a world ender- but if you can muster the energy and willpower, it’s really healthy to do. Here’s why:

It’s a good form of exercise - Yep! Get that heart rate up! 

You can have better orgasms - As mentioned above, the increased circulation can make for killer orgasms.

Better sleep - releasing that energy will help you relax and will release good hormones.

It can help with discomfort - Orgasms release oxytocin, a hormone that increases your pain tolerance!

Develop a closer bond with your partner - Partners can sometimes feel like all the attention is on baby, and they want some of it too! Navigating through this time together and exploring the changes in your body will bring you closer. 

Father Feelings with Ben Ringler, MFT

Father Feelings with Ben Ringler, MFT

Psychologist Ben Ringler and I spent time dissecting some of the core obstacles men face in their transition to parenthood. Ben’s counseling practice focuses on men, particularly as they approach fatherhood, and he is a father of two himself. While most of our readers are women, we hope that you will be able to better understand your male partners with compassion after learning more about the male experience of new parenthood.

                                                                                                       -Sara Lyon

Because Glow specializes in prenatal & postpartum massage, we hear from more women than men, and we often hear that women feel under-supported by their partners. Many women express that their male partners aren’t taking the egalitarian, active role they had hoped they would maintain with children in the picture. What are some modern cultural features distracting fathers from being fully present with their partners once a child arrives?

Ben: Before kids come into reality, it’s common for couples to have certain ideas, expectations, hopes of themselves and of each other, but they have no idea what the reality of becoming a parent is like. There can be a real dissonance between the fantasy of what a father wants to do, how they want to show up in their new role, and what the reality is.

This can be particularly hard for men who like to be able to anticipate something before it happens, but having a baby is beyond anticipation. A lot of men solve problems as a way to manage anxiety, and that’s not always possible in parenting. No one can predict how they are going to respond when they have someone truly dependent on them.

Being fully present is very hard even without a child, I think many people struggle with that. It’s the nature of the human mind, especially in this age of technology and busy-ness and disconnection. Unless you’re doing an active meditation practice or some other practice, being fully present is even harder. So, when you add a child to the mix, a lot of men will discover how un-present they really are. Parenthood is a mirror for both parents. It can be ego dystonic, in other words, not how you see yourself.

Having a child will often confront men with the areas in life where they really aren’t present and aren’t fulfilling their goals. So expecting oneself to be present is really a setup for failure.  It is very important for men to be compassionate to their own struggles.  Being hard on oneself makes being present even harder!

What are some common underlying psychological barriers preventing men from being totally present with their families?

Ben: Some of the biggest psychological barriers are memories and emotional experiences that lay quite often unconscious without extensive therapy. There is a lot of unconscious mapping of what it is to be a child in a family. We all grow up imprinted with particular dynamics that we’ve experienced by being fathered and mothered by our own parents, or not fathered and mothered in some cases.

These imprints are comprised of absences, wounds, and even just particular norms and values that are imbued unconsciously. Men don’t think about that unless they’ve already experienced significant suffering before children come.

So, these unconscious dynamics inevitably come into play in the relationship with the partner and the child. Some of the things that might not have previously come up in the intimate primary relationship- tensions, conflicts, anxieties- will start to surface and put pressure on fathers. These new pressures are uncomfortable and even emotionally painful. As humans, we all try to minimize pain­ and build defenses to reduce our experience of pain, but these defenses block our ability to be fully present for our families.

Because our children are our mirrors, I truly believe that their job is to push their parents’ buttons so the parent can grow into the parent that the child needs. The parent can then give what they themselves didn’t receive as a child.

Quite often, a prior generation father-son dynamic will come more directly into play when a new father has his first son, and there will often be some projecting onto the child and the relationship. The father doesn’t want to repeat the unhealthy dynamic, and there can be anxiety that the father doesn’t want to repeat history.

All of these factors contribute to the pressure of new fatherhood, and the struggle to be present. For men, this struggle can often take the form of avoidance of family time, or overextension in work, or sometimes it can take the form of aggression, depression or anxiety. It all comes back to unresolved childhood conflicts and the defenses against those conflicts that exert more pressure when a child comes- there’s just not as much room in the family for the their needs.

Also, the change in the dynamic between the parents, particularly receiving less attention from the partner, can bring up all sorts of different feelings. It’s important for the father to be able to speak openly with his partner about the changing relationship in a non-blaming, non-judgmental way. Ideally, the father is given room to speak about his own experience without receiving judgment from his partner. Hopefully the partner won’t feel blamed, and that channel between the partners can remain open, which frees up energy to take care of the child and protect the parents’ relationship with one another.

Along with individual counseling, I also work with couples that are going through this transition. Couples’ therapy is a great space designated for the couple to maintain connection and feed the relationship because it inherently goes under strain. We are not taught how to communicate like this culturally and we do not organically have the time- there are so many distractions, so many pressures. So, making the time, scheduling it into your week is tremendously important. Ideally, you go to therapy both individually and as a couple. When you set apart the time, it’s an investment that will pay off in terms of how much you enjoy your relationship and your child. And while it does take the investment of time, every step is celebratory. Every chance you have to reconnect provides energy that can bring more enjoyment and creativity.

We discussed prenatal and postpartum sexuality in our last two newsletters, and the feedback was overwhelming. In this busy, distracting world, it’s no surprise that there are many couples feeling sexually unfulfilled after having children.  How does this lack of presence impact the intimate relationship between a man and his partner?

Ben: A mentor once told me that the number one thing that maintains sustained sexual passion in a long-term relationship is being present with the other person. So, if that’s true, a father’s declined presence and defensive reaction to the stresses of a relationship are going to make it harder for him to tap into his desire.

If you think of things in an energetic flow sense, presence enables a flow of energy, particularly desire and sexual energy. So, when something gets evoked internally- a conflict, certain wounds- there is a defense against that. This defense is going to cut off the flow of energy, the openness, the desire, all sorts of things.

The second level of this lack of desire is that for some men, seeing their female partner give birth to a child can bring into conflict their view of their wife as a certain kind of sexual object. It can go into deeper things like their view of their own mother, for instance. There may be some integrating work to do around how they’ve been attracted to or turned on by women prior to parenthood, resulting in a widening of how they currently see women. If they can dedicate themselves to that kind of work it can actually make sex a lot more fulfilling.

And then there are the feelings that come up when you’re not being attended to in the ways you have been before parenthood. Many mothers, particularly mothers who are nursing, are understandably drained. The mother is the primary caretaker early on, and there’s kind of a developmental necessity for one parent to be a primary for attachment at that time, and that’s going to affect how some men feel. It can bring up certain feelings of abßandonment, resentment, anger, hurt, fear, anxiety, all kinds of things. Many of those things just squash passion, particularly resentment.

There’s also a societal aspect, this conscious story that’s told to us that long-term monogamy is a passion killer, and that becoming a parent is unsexy. These themes reinforce themselves because there are so many cultural reminders. But I am convinced, I know that if there is enough work and investment in the primary relationship there can be a whole other layer of passion that comes from discovering your partner in a new way. Men think they know their partners after a few years, but that’s (a) not true, providing a false sense of security and (b) it’s a passion killer!

We have to get to know each other in a new set of ways, which can be hard with the introduction of a new child. Parenthood is a great opportunity to see the other person in a new light, discovering new aspects of a partner can generate more curiosity and passion as the father discovers things about himself through parenting.

How can we help our male partners, and even our male friends, through this confronting transition?

Ben: This taps back into the cultural reality that men are not supposed to have certain feelings and shouldn’t express feelings. Different men respond differently to varying approaches. One of the keys to supporting men through this time is compassion and understanding, not pushing but providing an opportunity for conversation. Hold compassion for men and what they’re going through. Know that there is a reason why they may not be opening up about their emotional experience.

Sometimes compassion is just something you do internally where you just have empathy for another person’s suffering. Sometimes it’s more action oriented, like “Hey man, you need to get help”, or “Hey, I’m sorry you’re going through it.” Sometimes you do have to be more direct about it, because it can have an impact on the family when one person is struggling. In these cases, find somewhere a man can feel safe, understood, and met, like a therapist versed in the psychology of fatherhood.

In a more direct approach, you may need to say something like, “It’s OK that you don’t want to open up to me, but you can enjoy this a lot more and find relief from this suffering if you find someone to talk to about this, someone who understands and can help you understand this process.” Then you refer the man to a professional or to a support group.

Be sensitive to the man’s communication needs; some men need a more direct approach to suggestion, while others may need a softer approach.

Ben Ringler, MFT

Ben Ringler is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, with a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology from California Institute for Integral Studies. He is also a Certified Hakomi Therapist, a psychotherapeutic approach that combines Buddhist principles and mind-body awareness.

Ben is passionate about this work and holds the position of psychotherapist with respect and and humility, particularly because he knows how challenging and vulnerable it is to seek therapy. In my work with clients, he pulls from a variety of practices in order to bring a balance of attention between mind and body so that I am able to listen attentively.

Sex After Kids: Talking Postpartum Sex with Midwife Leopi Sanderson-Edmunds

Sex After Kids: Talking Postpartum Sex with Midwife Leopi Sanderson-Edmunds

Leopi, what do we need to know about the postpartum period that will help us understand the libido after baby?

Perhaps the most important thing to learn about postpartum sex is the role hormones continue to play in the postpartum physical experience. The breastfeeding hormone prolactin will reduce a woman’s libido, and even make her mucosal membranes dryer, including her vagina, which makes sex uncomfortable without adding lubrication.

For people who are highly sexual, the shift can be quite a shock, but know that it’s normal! It’s very rare that someone is highly sexual when they are postpartum and breastfeeding. The shift is so dramatic that it can be scary for a woman if she really identified with her sexuality prior to pregnancy. She can feel really lost without that natural desire. She can feel numb.

How does this new physical reality impact the relationship dynamic?

It’s so important that both partners are totally aware of the hormone shift involved with breastfeeding, and the physical impact of those hormones. Don’t feel threatened by these changes, or insecure, it’s a necessary process that will change again when breastfeeding ends.

Partners often feel like the new mama doesn’t love them as much as before she gave birth, and that she’s spending all her time with the baby. Meanwhile, the mother starts to feel unsure of herself because she’s always rejecting her partner since she doesn’t feel affectionate or sexual. The hardest part of the postpartum process is not knowing how to talk about all the changes in the core relationship, how to express these emotional and physical feelings.

Your doctor will almost always say that after six weeks, or sooner, you can resume sex if you’re not bleeding. That’s the typical expectation: at six weeks we’re going to get back to it! I’m going to have my body back and we’re going to be so in love, and now our little baby is here! But this high expectation that there’s going to be normal sex happening again soon after birth, especially on the part of the person who didn’t birth the baby, is often met with disappointment. Lo and behold, most people get to six weeks, and sex is just not happening the way they anticipated.

For the mother there is a sense that the six week healing “deadline” is approaching, and she’s like, “oh my gosh, we’re going to start having SEX?! I’m not ready!”  Her body is being held onto and touched constantly by the baby. She’s tired, but it’s also the prolactin hormone that’s driving her brain and body to be focused on this little baby, and not her own desires or the desires of her partner. From another perspective, the perspective of evolution, it’s actually kind of perfect!

Both parents are going to be exhausted, and the partner also might not always feel like being sexual. Heterosexual couples live with the reality that the male partner has testosterone and still has a sex drive, that didn’t go away with the birth of their baby. So, here we have two partners, one with testosterone who is desiring sex, and one with prolactin who does not desire sex- it’s not a personal thing, it’s very important to understand that it’s purely hormonal. This does not exclude same-sex couples from a similar conundrum: one partner does not have prolactin, and is desiring affection and sex, while the other does have prolactin, and isn’t in the mood.

Most mothers are feeling more love than ever for their partners after birth, they’ve just had this child together. She’s hopefully feeling safe and protected by her partner, even though there are totally new dimensions of each other that they’ve never experienced before. This newness in the dynamics of the relationship can be really tricky to navigate.

The mother is so tremendously devoted to the new baby, and the partner can easily become threatened by this bond that is growing outside of his relationship with the mother. It can be disorienting, both emotionally and physically, due to exhaustion. Hard nights and tough feelings can mean that sometimes a couple just needs to look away from each other for a time, and go through their huge growth curve as human beings; there is a lot happening for each of them.

How can couples work together to maintain intimacy during the postpartum phase?

Women need to stay connected to their sexual selves. Enjoy your beautiful body that’s just given birth, your full breasts that aren’t sexual for the time being, but they are feminine and life-giving. Let your romantic and sensual understanding of what you’ve just achieved with your body take the place of sexual desire. I remember feeling extremely romantic and sexy, I just did not feel sexual, and that’s a big distinction.

It’s important for her partner to look at her, not just at what she’s doing, like a cow milking all day. She needs to feel attractive to her partner. Her partner is responsible for continually reminding her how beautiful she is with words and welcome touch that can be sensual rather than sexual, like kisses on her neck, or pulling her in close for a meaningful kiss, things that make her feel desired as a woman, not a caregiver.

It’s hard work being touched all day by a little being, and sometimes a partner’s touch isn’t the thing that will bring her back into her own body. Sometimes it’s some form of body therapy like massage where there is no reciprocity expected, where you can just go within, de-stress and fine tune, and listen to the details of what you need, and then you feel sexier. Also, having really high quality, delicious, medicinal food and eating enough every day is great for the libido.

Maybe most importantly, both partners need to have some explicit agreements in the new paradigm of postpartum sexuality. For instance, “We will be sexual and affectionate regularly without the expectation of sex every time we reach out.” It’s OK for the mother to stipulate, “I just want to be held by you, but that doesn’t mean that you’re going to try moving this into sex every time, because then I’m going to stop reaching out to you. I don’t want to reject you, I hate having to reject you.”

This typical approach-rejection back and forth around postpartum sex sets up a terrible dynamic of isolation from one another. It’s so sad to see this happen, derived solely from the confusing postpartum hormones and exhaustion. It’s so much easier to avoid the isolation if there is open discussion of what’s going to happen postpartum, and agreements made about behavior and communication before it’s an issue.

These agreements can include something like a cue: “When I really want sex, I’m going to give you this sign, and then you’ll know that we’re in that zone.” Which I know sounds silly, but the closeness and the sensuality and the affection and the friendship and the humor are so much sexier than sex to a woman in the first 3-5 months. When a partner changes diapers, makes dinner, wakes up early with the baby so mom can sleep, when he washes the dishes and puts everything away and makes the kitchen beautiful, these are things that are sexy to a woman in this phase.

I know that sounds really dumb, and housewifey, but it actually makes a lot of sense! She needs to feel taken care of, she doesn’t need to feel like just a big mama, always bossing people around or organizing people. And she definitely doesn’t want to be a nag; that feels so unsexy. She wants to feel like she’s being heard and that she’s really respected and appreciated for the hard work that she does all day and all night with her baby, that’s really sexy.

The body does change postpartum, particularly with the breastfeeding hormones. It’s fair to assume that the first few times will be a little awkward, because mom’s like, “Whoa! I can’t believe I had a baby through my vagina!” So let’s assume the first 3-6 weeks you can enjoy sexy touching, kissing and foreplay. This type of sensual interaction can be really lovely for a women who has just give birth and wants to feel like her partner really wants her, really loves her and her body.

When it’s safe to have intercourse, which is usually around 6-8 weeks depending on the birth, mama will be dry due to the prolactin hormone. Use a lot of lube! Many women think it’s because they had stitches, or are damaged from the birth, but this is rarely the case. Often it starts as real fear, then the awkwardness around sex sets in through the repeated attempt and rejection, then it becomes a kind of excuse: “It hurts too much, I can’t do it”, when really it’s just uncomfortable interpersonally more than anything.

Once you start actually having sex, you’re going to realize how good it is for your own body and mind, and for your relationship. At first many women resist sex because it’s really confronting. It’s hard to commit to working with your new body, and with your partner, to overcome what feels like an insurmountable task: rebuilding your sexuality after birth. As a postpartum mom, frankly, it’s such a beautiful, compassionate gift to give your partner sex and in a loving way, because they need it! They really do! If you are able to give your partner sex with joy and lovingness, you will probably end up realizing how much you needed it too.

Do you have any do’s and don’ts for this sensitive time?

DON’T GO FOR THE BREASTS. Just don’t go for the breasts. That is such a turn off for nearly all postpartum moms. Their breasts are being touched and sucked all day, in a non-sexual way, and that’s what they exist for in this time and space. But of course, they’re so beautiful and round and full, they’re very attractive, of course the partner wants to enjoy them! But no, just don’t.  So, where can the partner touch a new mother’s body? Down the spine, the butt, the legs, anywhere the baby hasn’t been touching all day. Rediscover erotic zones besides the breasts and vagina.

DON’T COMPARE PRE-KIDS SEX TO POST-KIDS SEX. Before, there was time, you could just linger. But now, you might just have a quickie, or some foreplay, and then get interrupted by the baby or the kids, and then get into it again later. Sometimes you get into it just enough to get turned on, and then you just have to enjoy that feeling until you can get back into it, and that’s ok! Even if you were turned on and you guys didn’t have your orgasms, it’s so deeply beneficial to turn up that sexual dial again. It’s a great beginning!

BE FLUID AND HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR. Laugh about how long or short the sexual interaction is, or when you’re interrupted by the baby crying, or when your milk starts leaking mid-sex. This postpartum phase is precisely why I suggest working on your communication early, before birth, so you can flow through this new territory comfortably, because it’s tricky!

EXPRESS YOURSELF. I can’t tell you how many of my mom clients have told me that they are so sick of their partners wanting sex when they’re just exhausted; maybe they’ve been up with the baby all night, it’s 11 am and she hasn’t even gotten any breakfast yet, and her partner is awake and has some free energy and wants to have sex. Resentment easily builds when these two people are living in such different worlds together. The mother needs to feel comfortable explaining her needs instead of repressing it all, hiding her feelings, and possibly becoming depressed.

How do you commonly see couples sabotaging their sex lives after kids?

Physicality, whether it’s sensual, sexual or affectionate, is necessary for both parents’ health and wellbeing. I’ve seen modern parenting evolve so that the baby is getting all of the affectionate love, leaving little between the couple, and this is unbalanced. Parents can sabotage their sexuality and their relationship by over-parenting.

We all read so many books about parenting, but how many books do we read about healthy sexuality or a happy marriage? It’s all about being this ultra-perfect mother and father, and that’s really what we become, this ultra-mother and ultra-father. In this process, we lose a little bit of our identities with the parts that we were initially attracted to.

Be mindful when you are choosing your parenting philosophy; are you making room for your primary relationship? Attachment parenting, the family bed, prolonged breastfeeding, these are great philosophies in theory and sometimes in practice. But, a couple really needs to be educated on the postpartum hormones and make informed decisions about their parenting style with a full understanding of how it may impact their relationship. I actually think that in a lot of ways, the relationship is the primary concern, and the baby secondary, because the baby really needs the couple to be happy and connected and in love and close to one another.

So, really assess what you need as a couple to foster your intimacy. Do you need to get the baby to bed by 7:30 so you can have evenings together for adult conversation? Are you able to sleep in the same bed even with the pressures of night-feeding? Can you make it a goal to be in bed together, touching one another, not with pajamas on but skin-to-skin?

It’s OK to have boundaries with your parenting and with your children in a loving way. It’s a wonderful thing for a child to see that their parents’ relationship is important; there should be no guilt about that. It’s so positive for the child to see that the parents matter as much to each other as the child matters to them.

There is so much guilt around parenting right now: the pressure of perfectionism, all the books, the intellectual inundation. My blanket advice is to be in your body and in your heart. Say “no” when you want to say “no”, you don’t always have to explain everything. If you’re an affectionate, loving mother, then you can say “no” at any time without any guilt.

Leopi, you are the sexiest woman I’ve ever met, please tell us your sexy ways; we need your help!

I’ve always loved to decorate myself in some way, I love to take care of my body, to be in my body. I love being sensual and having beauty around me. I indulge in creating a peaceful space filled with symbols of beauty that help my heart and soul. 

I love giving myself treats like body care therapies and occasional nice meals out. I actually love taking myself out to dinner and being served, especially when my kids were younger. I love to sit in a beautiful restaurant, daydream, eat slowly, and observe people.

I suggest you also indulge yourself when eating at home. Have your treats, a little pot or wine or a mixed drink, of course not too much. We need to have our treats, we are women, we need to enjoy relaxing. Eating your chocolates, along with your healthy diet.

Lingerie! I come and go with that, but after birth, and especially while nursing, having some lingerie that’s fit perfectly to your new body, even if it’s under your clothes and you don’t show it to anyone, it’s a beautiful feeling.

Decorate yourself! Wear some beautiful earrings, get your nails done, fine-tune the things you enjoy and treat yourself. I like having liquid eyeliner on, lotions and oils on my skin.

Nurture your relationships with adults other than your partner. Invest in a variety of  relationships that reflect all of your essential things in life.


Leopi has been a licensed home-birth midwife since 1985, supervising and caring for over 1300 families. In addition to her midwifery practice, she offers care for prenatal and non-natal clients through orthobionomy, a slow and beautiful form of bodywork focusing on bone and soft tissue alignment. Unique in her field, Leopi offers prenatal counseling for women and couples to reach a deeper experience of pregnancy, and birth, no matter where and with whom they are birthing. Leopi also has a BA in Art Therapy and creates phenomenal masterpieces of figure painting. Leopi can be reached via the web at Sanctuary Leopi.

The S Word: A conversation about Prenatal Sex with Leopi Sanderson-Edmunds, LM

Pregnant Couple Embrace

As a midwife, Leopi, has a unique view into the sex lives of modern couples. Her approach to midwifery is holistic, incorporating the psychological and social transformations people experience when they are expecting a child, including their sexual realities. I interviewed Leopi on the topic of prenatal sex, expecting her to lay out the best sexual positions to work around the belly, and all sorts of other concrete details. Instead, she got to the core of the issue: change. Below, Leopi discusses how and why your sex will change, and what to do about it. Hallelujah!

-Sara Lyon

Sexuality in a pregnant relationship is totally the other side of the coin from being in love. This stuff is really important to talk about because many people who are newly pregnant are also newly in love. Sometimes they are already at a very evolved and mature relationship, but often it’s the beginning and a romantic sense of one another predominates. They’re making love all the time and exploring sexuality together and relating powerfully to one another this way. For some newer relationships, it’s the opposite, maybe they’re newly discovering each other and they’re shy and they’re not showing their bodies entirely yet. Either way, pregnancy will change the way sexuality is experienced for both partners. 

Be Prepared

Couples benefit from being prepared for the ebbs and flows in their pregnancy, and the shyness that the mother might start to feel with her changing body. I recently spoke with a couple entering this phase. They fell quickly in love, then suddenly she’s pregnant, and her body is changing very, very quickly. Almost immediately, she’s very shy even though their sexual connection is amazing, but now she wants the lights off, for instance. It’s very hard in our culture to not feel fat, but instead to embrace the curves and softness, so I’m trying to help her see the beauty of the softness and the changes of the body in this super ultra-feminine state that it is.

Often the partner is totally into the newness of her pregnant body, but women can actually project on themselves that it’s not beautiful. Don’t get me wrong, many women also feel quite sexy, even in their first trimester of ups and downs physically. In the second trimester, the body feels more feminine: breasts plump and a little round belly pops out. So, it’s an important place to be curious about rather then shy away from: going from being really in love and really confident in the relationship because the sex is good, to accepting the physical and emotional changes that have come. Those are often big shocks to a relationship and this is where intimacy really potentially begins.

I feel that one of the most important things I do for couples is prepare them for this surprise, because they can so easily feel estranged from one another if they aren’t warned. Suddenly, the pregnant woman’s like, “My god, I’m crying all the time!” or “I feel really insecure.” or “I don’t even know who I am anymore, and I don’t even want to look in the mirror, and does he still think I’m beautiful; am I sexy??”

The Murky Time

Up until 16 weeks, you don’t really look pregnant, you just look softer and a little pudgy, and no one really knows what to say to you because they’re not sure that you’re pregnant. That first trimester is the most sexually and emotionally challenging period for most couples.  After about 20 weeks, things can really improve sexually, because you get over the physiological hurdle of the first trimester. There are no certainties, but normally the first trimester’s emotional and physical symptoms last until about 12 - 18 weeks. Women can feel pretty funky until then.

Emotionally, a woman becomes much more internal. She slows way down due to the pregnancy hormones, she may be nauseas, and exhausted. All she can really think about is the reality that she is pregnant. She’s seeing her life changing, she’s becoming more vulnerable and more dependent on her partner, instead of this rich sexual experience they may have connected through previously.  Her body image is changing and it can really rapidly change.

A woman’s changing body image can be very difficult. If that’s not enough, her hormones cause physiological changes in those first weeks, and the things she used to find sexually arousing will often be a turn off: her nipples can be super tender, her vagina is swelling and in a constant arousal state which can be hyper-sensitive, actually making touch uncomfortable. She may also find that her vagina looks different and she may not feel comfortable with this.

Remember, the first 12 week period can be tough and quite shocking.  The depth of complex emotions, even when the pregnancy has been planned can be surprising! Life can be put at a standstill due to hormones and nausea. This uncomfortable experience usually lasts longer than the first trimester and it can be quite disappointing when you’re still sick and you’ve passed 12 weeks. So, of course this is all a shock on the relationship! You’re partner is like, “Well, I’ve never seen you like this!” and you’re exhausted or tired or crying; it’s really difficult for both partners. Some women don’t have these symptoms, and feel great all along, but that’s not typical.

I believe this is nature’s way of helping us to slow down in this modern and pretty crazy world that’s going very very very fast, especially with technology that makes everything even faster, and then there is Googling! Helpful, yes, but it can really put a lot of fear into pregnancy, too.

The first trimester requires you to put the brakes on, so you can feel yourself as just being, slow way down, appreciating everything moment to moment. Sometimes you aren’t able to deal with life as you did before: making schedules, being strong, or super social, and “having it all together”.  The state of pregnancy is a non-linear world!

It’s nature’s way of helping a woman to rest and go within, which is where the baby is, it helps her connect with the baby. The first trimester hormones reset the nervous system, and the way that we settle into the pregnancy.  So that’s a positive to all of those murky feelings.

These primordial feelings can feel dreamy, and sometimes a little scary and unknown. The partner usually doesn’t get it, because he or she isn’t pregnant and can’t possibly understand it; that’s really hard on a couple in those first weeks. Understanding that this is a normal and helpful process in securing the pregnancy can alleviate some of the confusion or judgment between partners.

The second trimester usually, not always, but usually starts a shift into a beautiful space. Around 18-20 weeks, a woman often starts to feel better, more like herself. It’s very important that mama has been taking great care of herself, so that she can come back into her body and move out of the murky, defeated place.

Health and wellbeing are extremely important for sexuality, for coming back into your body, and for getting a hold of the pregnancy and enjoying it. With good eating, resting, slowing down in the world, and having time for yourself, sexuality can be amazing, especially when the baby bump finally comes out. If your nausea is gone, this new evolution can be exciting, and sexy.

Pregnant Femininity

There are many ways of being pregnant. Many many women feel very sexy when they are pregnant, but there is absolutely no judgment if you do not. If you don’t feel well, it can be extremely difficult to enjoy your sexuality. For some, prenatal sexuality can feel really spicy and almost even tribal: here is a couple making a family, whether they’re married or not, they’re bonded and connected like never before. They’re bringing in this life; it’s very romantic and it’s hot, really. It’s a beautiful time to see your sexuality as a woman being ultra feminine. If you can notice it, embrace it, and savor it, there couldn’t be a more feminine time which empowers you forever.

The feminine potency of pregnancy is so seldom discussed, and that’s really unfortunate. It’s the crystallized power of feminine energy. We have this uterus that is finally doing what it was born to do, and the power of that feeling inside a woman, to hold a creative act of life-force inside her body that is coming from love… that’s very sexy. Wear beautiful clothes, feel it, enjoy the silhouette of your body. I love how many beautiful clothing lines exist today to show your shape. Indulge in it!

Sexual Satisfaction

This is a really important time for old love, new love, whatever love, to embrace the changes. There are a multitude of complex feelings, as we discussed, and physically there are many body changes: the breasts can be very sensitive, they plump up and press out, which can be a lovely feeling, or an uncomfortable one. You are really budding everywhere.

You may need to work around certain areas of the body, and give more attention to others; your partner really has to explore. Your blood plasma has doubled, so everything is fuller, fleshier, a little swollen. Even our lips plump up on our face and our vagina. This can be more sexually arousing, but it can also be uncomfortable. In order to accommodate the fleshier pregnant body, you may need more lubricant, or, none at all. Most women are really wet throughout pregnancy, really mucussy; don’t be alarmed. If sexual exploration is done with consciousness, it’s a fantastic time to reinvent everything, and relearn each other: “What do you like now? What does this feel like now?”

It’s an important time to take all of this newness and practice communication with curiosity and gentleness, especially if you’re a couple that tends to be shy. If you begin talking about these sensitive topics now, then you’ve begun something that’s going to be so important for the rest of your lives, for your whole relationship. It’s time to develop friendship, humor, affection, conversation and cuddling. Begin talking about things that are unknown, out of your control, and very raw. Don’t avoid being vulnerable and intimate, and learn to talk about it without judgment of self or other; it will always serve you.


Emotionally, partners are also shifting. They’re developing into caregivers and providers, even in a dual-income household. They tend to become more protective of the pregnant partner, wanting to spend more time with her. They want to get their lives together and often put a lot of pressure on themselves to do so.

Sexually, some men have difficulty having intercourse with a pregnant woman; mentally, some men can’t put their penis in a pregnant woman’s vagina. It’s like, “Woah! There’s a baby in there!?” They still want to be super affectionate and increasingly attached, but they simply cannot have sex with a pregnant woman, and that’s their truth. However, they can be affectionate and sensual without intercourse, like kissing and oral sex.

Sensuality should never go away, it’s probably way more important than sex. Not just affection, but sensuality; the eroticism of connecting to your partner that way, exploring in a surrendered space together. Just being turned on and having orgasms is so important for our nervous systems, for both the mother and the partner. It’s an irreplaceable space of wordlessness, connecting in hearts and bodies and breath. Its also really, really good for your body! The movements we make with sex are very hard to get anywhere else.

Make it Happen

So, let’s say the pregnant woman is growing and she doesn’t know what to wear, and she’s looking at herself, wondering what will make her feel good- and her partner comes up and gives her lots of kisses along her shoulders and neck and breasts, or playfully grabs her ass. She needs to feel that her partner is attracted to her, not like she’s just carrying their child. But, of course, this is only half of it; more than anything, she needs to feel attractive herself, not just to others.

How can you cultivate your own sexuality?

Take pictures. Really observe yourself and appreciate what’s changing instead of shying away from it. Wear beautiful clothes that make you feel like you’re showing your pregnancy instead of hiding it.

Take really really good care of yourself. Focus on your nutrition, your bathing rituals, the things you find pleasure in.

Surround yourself with the right support people. Talk about what’s going on with your body image, your hopes and your fears. 

Choose positive healthcare providers.  How do your healthcare providers look at you? Make sure they are reflecting back how healthy you are and how normal pregnancy is. This is especially emotionally important if you had IVF. Be sure your provider includes your partner in conversations around the pregnancy, if that’s what you would like. It’s very sexy to a woman and to her partner when the partner is included in her prenatal care, it’s bonding.

Seek meaning in your experience. There are many ways to access the spiritual and emotional side of the prenatal experience. In addition to your primary medical care, make sure you are getting complementary care that reflects the health and vitality of pregnancy. This can come in many forms like yoga, massage therapy or adjunct support like a doula or a prenatal guide. 

It’s really important to me, as a midwife, to help my families keep connecting and exploring in these unknown spaces, not just being functional, but enjoying, having pleasure with one another. We cannot let go of all of ourselves, just to become a mother and a father. We are sexual human beings, and we are brilliant human beings, we are creative human beings; we are so interesting. We need to keep reflecting the magic and the attraction back to one another.

MEET Leopi sanderson-edmunds 

Leopi has been a licensed home-birth midwife since 1985, supervising and caring for over 1300 families. In addition to her midwifery practice, she offers care for prenatal and non-natal clients through orthobionomy, a slow and beautiful form of bodywork focusing on bone and soft tissue alignment. Unique in her field, Leopi offers prenatal counseling for women and couples to reach a deeper experience of pregnancy, and birth, no matter where and with whom they are birthing. Leopi also has a BA in Art Therapy and creates phenomenal masterpieces of figure painting. Leopi can be reached via the web at Sanctuary Leopi.