Looking for a powerful way to maintain your health, wellness, and mindfulness during your pregnancy?

Prenatal Pilates might just be for you.

When practiced correctly, Pilates can provide many benefits for expecting parents including pain relief, balance and breath restoration, relaxation, joint mobility, and full body strengthening. Chicago has no shortage of amazing Prenatal Pilates classes, so here’s our top five favorite studios to help to get you started.


Pilates + Coffee, located in charming Roscoe Village, is a new kind of studio. Their community based approach to coffee and wellness has earned them high reviews and an exceptional reputation. Perinatal Pilates classes are offered on a weekly basis and are safe for folks who’ve developed diastasis recti. Their unique classes provide a combination movement, breath work, and relaxation techniques meant to help maintain a healthy pregnancy, ease your labor and delivery, and aid in the recovery process. 


2144 W Roscoe St, Chicago, IL 60618


Prenatal Fit

Prenatal Fit could be described as a pregnancy workout one stop shop. With its variety of pre and postnatal classes and onsite babysitting service, I’d take that one step further and call it a haven. Pilates classes are offered daily, along with yoga, barre, Zumba, and body strengthening. Their Pilates course aims to help those carrying maintain their strength, good posture, and alignment.


1937 W Diversey Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60614

(773) 366-8595

Cocoon Care

A pillar in the Chicago birthing community, Cocoon Care has been making a difference in the lives of families for over seven years now by providing coaching, workshops, and classes that cater to the needs of parents to be. Cocoon Care provides their incredible take on Pilates in their Prenatal Strenth and Stability class, in which the student is led through a core strengthening flow, designed to improve posture and breathing.



Frog Temple Pilates

Frog Temple has been a Chicago Pilates standout since its inception in 1999. The warm, inviting atmosphere is infectious and the staff is first class in their knowledge and certifications. Their virtual Prenatal Pilates class helps expectant parents to remain pain free and positive.


1635 W Cortland St #2, Chicago, IL 60622

(773) 489-0890

Sana Vita Studio

Sana Vita offers a modified Reformer class for their prenatal clients who are past 20 weeks. Certain positions are lifted, allowing students to lay at an incline, some are modified or omitted, and stretches are limited to help minimize the risk of over stretching, making this a safe and invigorating class for pregnant folks. 


1357 W Grand Ave, Chicago, IL 60642


Wellness and mindfulness practices are essential to a healthy pregnancy. Consider integrating Pilates into your practice if you’re looking for the perfect combination of strengthening and relaxation. As always, make sure to consult with your doctor before beginning any new exercise regimens.

Happy Mindfulness Dear Ones!